How much does a uterus weigh?
The uterus is a pear-shaped reproductive organ for those who are designated female at birth (AFAB). It’s the place where the baby grows and develops from the time of conception until birth.
The average uterus measures three to four inches by two and a half inches. It resembles an upside-down pear in both form and size. Pregnancy and uterine fibroids are among the medical conditions that can cause the uterus to enlarge.
The uterus serves a purpose outside of pregnancy in everyday life as well. For instance:
- It supports the pelvic bone, colon, and bladder.
- Despite its small size (just 2–4 inches long and one inch thick), it offers the strength a woman needs to successfully give birth to a full-term baby.
- The bladder and bowels are separated by it.
- The uterus is a powerful organ as well.
Enlarged Uterus
The size of a uterus is typically comparable to that of a clenched fist, although diseases including ovarian cysts, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and endometriosis, can lead to an enlarged uterus. Several different conditions can produce an enlarged uterus. The vast majority are not hazardous. However, an enlarged uterus is a symptom of cancer in certain women.
The uterus of a woman can also increase in size from that of a pear to that of a watermelon between conception and delivery.
Many women with an enlarged uterus experience no symptoms. Their doctor usually finds it during a normal pelvic checkup.
Excessive menstrual bleeding is one of the typical symptoms of uterine enlargement. This is characterized as completely soaking a tampon or pad every single hour or two for several hours. Women with uterine enlargement mostly experience pain, lengthy periods, or bleeding between periods. Moreover, the enlargement of the uterus can impair the functioning of the pelvis, bladder, and rectum.
Possible symptoms of a uterus enlargement include:
- Lower abdominal, leg, back, or pelvic pain, and sexual pain.
- Bloating, gas, and constipation are all symptoms of pressure being applied to the pelvis and the bowels.
- Weakness or fatigue caused by excessive bleeding that results in anemia (insufficiency of red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body).
- Urination regularly or incontinence (inability to control urine) as a result of bladder pressure.
- Weight increases around the abdomen.
- Difficulty in getting pregnant and giving birth to a full-term baby.
These are the most prevalent reasons for an enlarged uterus:
- Fibroids are among the most prevalent causes of uterine enlargement. Fortunately, fibroids are not malignant. Fibroids are microscopic growths that may weigh several pounds. They are located along the wall of the uterus. They mostly develop in older women. Their growth is also affected by both hormones and genes.
- When the tissue that ordinarily lines the uterus (endometrium) transfers into its muscular outer wall and exhibits endometrial characteristics, the condition is known as adenomyosis, which results in a diffuse thickening of the uterus. Adenomyoma refers to this condition when it affects a specific region or is localized. That area of the uterine wall that is enlarged is often known as an adenomyoma. On physical examination, an adenomyoma feels similar to fibroids, and it is often mistaken for a fibroid on an ultrasound.
Treatment usually depends on the underlying problem that caused the uterus to enlarge. For Instance:
- In the case of heavy bleeding, the doctor recommends hormonal therapies (unless the couple is actively trying to conceive). Bleeding can be controlled with progesterone-containing birth control techniques such as tablets, and injections. This also helps with treating anemia.
- Depending on the extent of the fibroid, monitoring, and medication for pain are sufficient treatments. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or birth control is also prescribed by the physician. Fibroids can be stopped and reduced in size with GnRH treatment for a maximum of six months. Surgery is mostly required when the fibroids become large.
- To lessen severe bleeding caused by adenomyosis, the doctor may advise hormone treatments or birth control.