Whenever you hear someone using grammar incorrectly or pronounce wrongly you might doubt his /her intelligence or education. No doubt communication or words are influential and leave a long-term impression on listener or those with whom you interact. Sometimes incorrect idiom or wrong pronunciation or grammar left speaker with a messy hair in gathering.
English is common language with many confusing homophones. A homophone is a word that spelled different but sounds same like other word. The lay community is not much aware of mispronunciation of medical terms. Some of these words are delightful some are annoying and some of them are absolutely hilarious. One humorous mispronunciation flashes me to write on one such topic.
The prostrate vs. prostate misconception is the most frequent mispronounced medical term out there and offers a unique challenge in its own. Prostate and prostrate are easily confused terms which can be missed by spell-check and auto correct easily, or it can propose the term you didn’t want. Many patients visit physicians with the prostrate complaints and in such serious circumstances it is almost impossible for them to explain the difference between prostrate cancer and prostate cancer.
So scroll down to check either to look for prostrate or prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer vs. prostrate cancer
The right term for cancer of the prostate gland is prostate cancer. There is no other disease or gland prostrate; it is just a misspelling or mispronunciation of prostate cancer. Simply it can also be a misunderstanding of listener or speaker.
Prostate is a gland found in male mammals and prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men in addition to skin cancer. Prostate cancer develops when abnormal cells in men start to grow abnormally in the prostate gland. It is the most common cancer in men in the UK. Prostate cancer is generally treatable if it is diagnosed early. Prostate cancer is usually slow growing and no one knows the exact causes behind prostate cancer.
Around one in six men diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. The risk for prostate cancer increases with age. Other risk factors associated with it include the Family history which doubles the risk for getting it. Besides family history African-American men are more likely to get prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is diagnosed when it develops to advance stage. Over 30,000 men die of prostate cancer in the U.S. every year.
While if you are searching for prostrate cancer or going to doctor for prostrate gland complaints it will definitely confuse the doctor or give him a chance to laugh on your pronunciation. Along with common man on internet some websites at time make these spell mistakes and wrote prostrate instead of prostate.
Prostrate cancer with an r is a verb, actually means to lie face down or to fall to the ground in a gesture of obedience, conquer, or humbleness towards a holy being, another country or person. When non-living objects fall or fail, they can be illustrated as falling prostrate. It’s a simple miss spell word with just an extra r that changes “prostate cancer” to “prostrate cancer”, which refers to “a cancer of lying face-down on the ground.”
Men might have prostate cancer, which has nothing to do with their r, but keep it in mind that r in prostrate stand for relax. So possibly a pain in the prostate leave a man prostrate, the gland contains no r. Prostate cancer has numerous therapy options but there is no treatment for prostrate cancer. Might be there comes a time when we see the medicine for this misspelling problem but not prostrate cancer. Hope you got it!